CARE International in Zambia (CIZ) has been operating in country since 1992, making meaningful contributions to the lives of millions of Zambians. Since then, CARE has been working in partnership with Government, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, and the private sector to deliver sustainable and impactful local solutions aimed at improving the lives of poor, vulnerable, and socially excluded individuals.

These tailored humanitarian and development projects have empowered women and girls to address critical water, sanitation and hygiene, health, livelihoods, food security, agriculture, nutrition, education, social protection, gender equality, and economic needs across the country. Currently, CARE’s Country office is located in Lusaka, and we maintain field offices in four provinces to support the management and oversight of our current portfolio: Eastern; Luapula; Muchinga; and Southern Province.

Women and girls benefit from Health and Nutrition programming

Women and girls reached through agriculture and climate programming

Women and girls provided with education and empowerment opportunities

Vulnerable persons provided with humanitarian and emergency support

CARE International

Founded in 1945, CARE (Cooperative for Assistance & Relief Everywhere) International is a leading global humanitarian and development organization that for more than 75 years has been dedicated to fighting global poverty and gender inequality. CARE works for a world without poverty, in which rights and dignities are guaranteed and in which all people have the opportunity to realize their human potential. In over 100 countries, CARE is placing a special focus working alongside women and girls, equipping them with the proper resources and power to lift whole families and entire communities out of poverty.